Abstract :
The study was aimed to evaluate the effect of feeding fresh Azolla microphylla on pelleted basal feed on the Local muscovy duck breed production performances. The research was done for 2 months August to September 2023, in the Muscovy duck farm, Paguyuban Petani Mandiri Kademangan, (PPMK), Blitar Regency, and feed analysis was done in the Nutrition and Animal Feed Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Muhammadiyah Malang University. The research method used is experiment using a completely randomized design consisting of 3 treatments and 5 replications, each experimental unit used 4 ducks, reared and plotted randomly in the litter cage. The research variables observed were: day old duck weight, final weight, feed intake, FCR and performance index. The results of the study of the effect of supplementation 10% of fresh Azolla microphylla on the best performance index of Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata), can be apply for duck feed.
Keywords :
Azolla microphylla, Pellet.References :
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