Abstract :
Management of Islamic aqedah based curriculum is implemented by Tahfidz Plus School (STP) SDIT Khoiru Ummah Liwa Lampung Barat. The process of planning, organizing, implementing and supervising the curriculum is implemented as a means of achievsing educational goals. This research aims to analyze and describe management of Islamic aqedah based curriculum. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and document study. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that: (1) Planning by formulating the vision, mission, objectives and content of Islamic aqedah curriculum formulated by various authorities. (2) Organizing by compiling an organizational structure and division of tasks, (3) Implementation is carried out by school principals, educators and education staff using learning methods, talaqiyan fikriyan, in collaboration with parents and related parties, (4) Supervision is carried out by the school principal and related institutions, and the results of the supervision are utilized to improve the quality of management of Islamic aqedah curriculum.
Keywords :
Curriculum, Elementary school, Islamic Aqedah, ManagementReferences :
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