Abstract :
This research aims to find out the right financing scheme so that the implementation of SDGs is more optimal and beneficial for small communities. inclusive financial contributions (zakat, infak and alms) in realizing SDGs and their relevance in realizing SDGs from a sharia maqashid perspective. This study uses a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods and approaches. Quantitative data analysis used is a method of tabulation, composing coding and score of variables. While qualitative data analysis includes the stage of data reduction, presentation and withdrawal of conclusions The results of this study show that the implementation of SDGs is carried out by a joint financing scheme through government and non-government budgets, one of which is through the distribution of zakat. The contribution of zakat in the implementation of SDGs has been carried out by the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) in the form of independence programs, religious education, health and social care. The relevance of zakat in realizing SDGs with Sharia Maqashid is shown in aid programs organized by Baznas such as the Program (1) eliminating poverty, (2) ending hunger, (3) good health and well-being, (4) quality education, and (5) clean water and sanitation relevant to the SDGs Program.
Keywords :
Finance, Inclusive, Maqashid Sharia, SDG’s., Zakat.References :
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