Abstract :
The relationship between devolution and service delivery has been a matter of inquiry for the past three decades. This paper aimed to examine the impact of Central Government financial allocation on the quality of delivery of maternal healthcare services in Kampala City, Uganda. To achieve this, a case study design incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods was employed. Data collection involved the use of questionnaires and interviews conducted among healthcare professionals, KCCA (Kampala Capital City Authority) staff, and mothers receiving maternal healthcare at selected public health centers. The gathered data underwent both qualitative and quantitative analyses using measures of central tendency such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression analysis. The results of regression analysis indicated that Central Government financial allocation had a significant influence on the provision of quality maternal healthcare. In light of these findings, it is recommended that steps be taken to enhance Central Government financial allocation. Additionally, the administration of KCCA should consider implementing anti-corruption measures as part of their best practices. Furthermore, healthcare center leadership and KCCA leadership should prioritize effective planning, good governance, and transparency in their financial expenditure and operations.
Keywords :
Fiscal Decentralization, Maternal Health Care, Public Health Centres and Central Government.References :
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