Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to determine the profile of beef cattle farmers in Sumenep District and to determine the economic activities of beef cattle farming in Sumenep District before and during climate change which includes the ease of selling beef cattle, selling prices, and business profits. The research was conducted using a survey method with sampling techniques using purposive sampling with the criteria of farmers who have been doing beef cattle farming for at least two years with active livestock groups and have a minimum of two years of farming experience. Farmers who were used as respondents amounted to 150 respondents. The analysis used is descriptive with mode measurement or the most frequently occurring value. The results showed that beef cattle farmers in Sumenep district mostly have three beef cattle on their farms (65% or 97 people). Most respondents were between 15 and 64 years old (83%), had primary school education (36%) and had the most farming experience in the 20 to 30 years age range (42%). A total of 35% of respondents had three family members. Before climate change, farmers found it easy to sell their products, the selling price was good and it was easy to make a profit. Whereas during climate change, farmers found it difficult to sell their products, selling prices were lower and it was difficult to make a profit.
Keywords :
Beef Cattle, climate change, Farmer profile, Livestock businessReferences :
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