Abstract :
Research on Sharia Bank is currently relevant due to the rapid growth of the Shariah financial industry, increasing public interest, as well as government support, focusing on factors such as customer trust and the influence of religiosity and perception on customer trust.
The purpose of this study is to investigate how customer trust at the Bank Nagari Sharia Bukittinggi Branch is impacted by beliefs and religiosity. All Bank Nagari Bukittinggi City Branch customers made up the research population. The research population consisted of all customers of Bank Nagari Bukittinggi City Branch, with sampling using a purposive sampling technique which resulted in 150 respondents as samples. The analytical method used is the multiple linear analysis method.
The research results show that customer religiosity does not have a significant influence on their level of trust in Bank Nagari Syariah Bukittinggi Branch. However, customer perceptions of the bank have a significant influence on the level of customer trust in the bank.
This research provides an important contribution to understanding the factors that influence customer trust in Sharia banks, especially in the context of Bank Nagari Sharia Bukittinggi Branch. The results of this research can be a basis for the bank to improve its service and communication strategies to customers, by taking more into account customer perception factors.
Keywords :
Perception, Religiosity, TrustReferences :
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