Abstract :
In today’s world, solid employer branding is important for any company or organization. Ambler & Barrow (1996) defined employer branding as the process of building and promoting a company’s reputation as an employer. Ilyas et al. (2020) stated that employer branding has a strong positive relationship with employee loyalty and the extent to which employees are committed to their organization and its goals. When a business goes through a merger, employee loyalty becomes an important factor in ensuring the company’s productivity, which is something that PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas and some other Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises have gone through in recent years. The primary research objective of this study is to identify the specific aspects of employer branding that can be prioritized by PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas to enhance employee loyalty. The methodology used is primarily quantitative research with correlational analysis as the statistical model, however, additional qualitative data was also collected and analyzed. The primary data were acquired through an online questionnaire given to the employees of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. This study concludes that employer branding and employee loyalty have a strong positive significant correlation. Furthermore, it was also found that the employer branding dimensions with the strongest correlation with employee loyalty are organizational culture, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and diversity. PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas can focus on improving the organizational culture, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and diversity aspects of employer branding to improve employee loyalty. The research also provides actionable solutions for PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas to further strengthen its employer branding and improve employee loyalty.
Keywords :
Business Merger, Employee Loyalty, Employer Branding, Organizational Culture, Stat-Owned EnterprisesReferences :
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