Abstract :
Implementation of the Independent Curriculum requires that lecturers carry out learning and teach students using a student-centered learning model. Project Based Learning (PjBL) is a studentcentered learning method.
Entrepreneurship is a science that emphasizes attitudes and creativity, where creativity is a skill needed in the digital era.
The Merdeka entrepreneurship program is one of the independent learning programs in the Merdeka learning curriculum at the Merdeka campus as a certified independent entrepreneurship development program to prepare individuals who are competent in developing businesses. Learning is used with a project based learning model. This learning activity includes individual and team learning. The aim of the research is to determine the process of implementing the project based learning model in increasing students’ creativity and skills in making business products and the results of increasing students’ creativity and skills in making business products through the project based learning model in learning creative product entrepreneurship courses for the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.
This research is classroom action research with a project based learning model. The research subjects were students in the 6th semester of the Public Sector Accounting study program, totaling 100 students. Implementation from April to August 2023, consisting of 3 cycles, with stages: “Observation, Planning-Action & Reflection”. Actions are carried out by researchers and collaborators who are tasked with observing and recording any existing developments. The data collection method used is observation. Data analysis was carried out by measuring the creativity and skills of the product results of several types of businesses, namely by presenting them in the form of tables and percentages. The research results show that initial observations show that many groups still lack creativity and skill. In implementing the project based learning (PJBL) method, students experience an increase in their creative thinking and skills after being given action. Increased creativity in making student business products in learning creative products and entrepreneurship in semester 6 2022/2023 amounted to 84.66%, and increased skills in making student business products amounted to 81,25%. The description above shows that the project based learning (PJBL) method can increase student creativity and skills in learning creative products and entrepreneurship.
Keywords :
Creative, Creativity, Products, Project-Based Learning., SkillsReferences :
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