Abstract :
In internal Bank Shinhan, My Car Loan is one of their top consumer products. However, when compared to other car financing competitors, Bank Shinhan was far behind in terms of sales performance. Hyundai Motors Indonesia has four official financial partners to support its car purchasing, namely: Maybank Finance, Mandiri Tunas Finance, Sunindo KB Finance, and Bank Shinhan. The company is the only bank-based financial partner, while the three others were multi-finance companies that specialized in car financing. Moreover, two of them, Mandiri Tunas Finance and Maybank were already well-known players in the car financing industry. Meanwhile, Bank Shinhan is a new player with low brand awareness among the public. In this research, the data collection methods were interviews and questionnaires. As for the research method, for the questionnaire data, the author used the NPS (Net Promoter Score) method and reliability test. As for the interview data, the author used the TA (thematic analysis) method. With this research, the author aimed to get insights to propose new strategies.
Keywords :
bank, car finance, Car Loan, Sales Performance, StrategyReferences :
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