Abstract :
Rumah Zakat is a philanthropic institution that manages, collects, and empowers zakat, infaq, and sadaqah funds. It was established in 1998 under the name Ummul Quro Social Wallet (DSUQ). Currently, to enhance employee performance and optimize organizational results, Rumah Zakat emphasizes the involvement of leaders in the team development process. In previous years, Rumah Zakat managers underwent training related to leadership skills to optimize their roles. In this context, one crucial aspect of a manager’s role is to engage in the coaching process. Effective coaching by a manager can significantly impact individual behavior change and improve organizational results. However, in reality, not all managers can properly optimize the coaching process and their role as coaches in the workplace. Several issues have arisen among participants in the employee improvement program regarding the involvement of leaders or managers in team development.
Therefore, based on the situation, there is a need for a comprehensive evaluation of the coaching process conducted by all managers at Rumah Zakat to immediately implement improvements and provide training to optimize coaching effectiveness. In this study, using quantitative methodology, primary data was gathered from Rumah Zakat employees who completed a set of questionnaires. This survey will be distributed specifically to employees at the officer level who often interact directly with their leaders at Rumah Zakat. To determine the number of samples, this paper uses Slovin’s formula with a confidence level of 95%, resulting in 213 samples with a margin of error of 5%. Furthermore, the results will be followed up with a qualitative phase using semi-structured interviews. From these results, it is indicated that the implementation of coaching effectiveness tends to be at a medium level for all components. This suggests that the coaching process has been implemented and is reasonably optimal, but the assessment is still at a medium stage, indicating the need for improvements.
Keywords :
Coaching Evaluation, Effectiveness, Philanthropic Institution, RACSR framework.References :
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