Abstract :
Poverty is a condition in which individuals or groups lack sufficient resources to meet their basic needs. It is a fundamental issue that can affect the economic growth rate of a region. This study aims to analyze the influence of labor force absorption, percentage of computer users, telecommunications consumption, and education level on the number of poor people in the provinces of Kalimantan Island from 2018 to 2022 using panel data regression analysis. The results from the selected Fixed Effects model indicate that telecommunications consumption has a positive impact on the number of poor people, while the education level has a negative impact on the number of poor people. However, labor force absorption and the percentage of computer users do not significantly influence the number of poor people. Based on the research findings, it is hoped that the government can create an extensive telecommunications network. The expectation is that communication facilities and infrastructure will be widely available, leading to reduced telecommunications expenses for the population, allowing them to allocate their money towards daily essential needs. Additionally, adequate communication facilities are expected to aid the teaching and learning process in Kalimantan Island, as the improvement in educational quality has proven to decrease the poverty rate during the research period.
Keywords :
Education, elecommunications, labour, PovertyReferences :
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