Abstract :
Good municipal waste management is very important for a sustainable urban order. Good municipal waste management can reduce negative impacts on the environment, public health and natural resources. The application of a Garbage Bank is one of the solutions for good municipal waste management. This is due to the concept of a Garbage Bank which is aligned with sustainable city management. One of the principles that is effective in helping the performance of waste management at the Garbage Bank is a circular economy based on 3R (reduce, reuse, and recycle). The application of this concept needs to be supported by campaigns involving various activities such as outreach, education, training and promotion which aim to increase public awareness about the importance of sustainable waste management. This study aims to examine the Garbage Bank campaign strategy as an effort to support the achievement of Target 11.6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), namely “Urban Waste Management”, by implementing a 3R-based circular economy approach in Cipaganti Village, Bandung City. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method of a Garbage Bank in Cipaganti Village, Bandung City. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and analysis of related documents. The key informants in this study were community members, related stakeholders, and the management of the Waste Bank in Cipaganti Village. The results of this study are expected to provide a better understanding of the effectiveness of the Garbage Bank campaign strategy in realizing SDG Target 11.6 in Cipaganti Village, Bandung City, as well as provide guidance for the government and related organizations in planning and implementing sustainable waste management activitiesgovernment and related organizations in planning and implementing sustainable waste management activities.
Keywords :
3R Concept, Circular Economy, Garbage Bank, SDG Target 11.6, Waste management.References :
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