Abstract :
Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) are one of national and global efforts to maintain and create a clean and safe environment. However, the increasing amount of waste, especially in the city of Bandung, means that this criterion is broken. The community’s daily waste production is still high, causing waste to continue to pile up. Ironically, with the population of Bandung City being quite large and dense, especially in Coblong District, the TPA around Bandung City is no longer able to accommodate waste from Bandung City. As a result, the rubbish was simply abandoned on the side of the road. However, this waste problem is not the responsibility of just one party. This waste problem is a problem that requires cooperation from various parties called Penta Helix consisting of Academics, Business, Community, Government and Media. This research was conducted using explanatory qualitative research methods. With the aim of finding out how Penta Helix collaborates in realizing waste management in realizing the SDG 11.6 target in Coblong District through analysis from five points of view of the Penta Helix pillars. Because in dealing with this problem, multi-party cooperation is needed so that its implementation can be realized well and the impact given is more comprehensive and maximum. The result is that the collaboration between Penta Helix pillars is still not synergistic and the efforts shown, especially by the Government, are still not serious. Like waste that has been sorted and mixed again at the landfill, existing regulations are still minimally enforced and the human resources involved still do not meet the standards they should be. Then, the basic problem experienced by all the pillars in Penta Helix is the lack of community ability in sorting and managing waste from the household.
Keywords :
Management, Penta Helix, SDG Target 11.6, Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), Waste management.References :
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