Abstract :
Indonesia has strong economic growth, driven by a large and growing consumer market, provides significant opportunities for companies in the fuel transportation sector to access a growing middle class and increasing consumer purchasing power. However, the fuel transportation industry is faced with various challenges, including regulatory issues, safety and technological advances. Despite its success as one of the largest fuel transportation services companies in South Sumatra, PT Safaat faces challenges in reaching new customers and retaining existing customers in a highly competitive market. With the increasing number of players in the fuel transportation industry, PT Safaat needs to find effective ways to differentiate itself from its competitors and promote its services to a wider audience. The object of research in this final assignment is the condition of the fuel industry market in Indonesia which is currently being followed by PT Safaat. A contextual framework for appropriate marketing strategies for companies is needed to address these issues.
This final project research uses internal and external environmental analysis to find company business solutions. Internal analysis uses Resource Analysis, Capability Analysis, Value Chain Analysis, STP Analysis and Marketing Mix. External analysis uses PEST analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Competitor Analysis, and Consumer Analysis. SWOT analysis is carried out to analyze the company Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and through TOWS Analysis to obtain marketing strategy development from this research.
Keywords :
Consumer Research, Fuel Industry, Fuel Transportation Industry, Industrial, Marketing Strategy, TOWS Matrix.References :
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