Abstract :
One crucial factor in human resource management is employee career development. The significance of the human resources role in achieving organizational goals must be balanced and supported by clear career paths to motivate employees to deliver excellent work performance for the advancement of the organization, considering factors such as education level, work experience, competence, commitment, loyalty, motivation, and employee performance. This research aims to determine the influence of education, training, and leadership on employee careers with motivation as an intervening variable at the Department of Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, as well as Community and Village Empowerment in Balangan Regency.
This study employs a quantitative research method with a population of 52 individuals using a saturation sampling technique. Path analysis processed with SPSS is used for data analysis. The research results indicate that education, training, and leadership do not have a significant influence on employee motivation. Education, training, and motivation do not significantly affect employee careers. Leadership has a significant influence on employee careers. Leadership, through motivation as an intervening variable, has a significant impact on the careers of employees at the Department of Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, as well as Community and Village Empowerment in Balangan Regency.
Keywords :
Education, Employee Career, Leadership, Motivation, Training.References :
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