Abstract :
Suicide has been happening quite frequently in Indonesia as news reported that there is an increase in number of suicide cases in 2023. Suicide notes are found on several cases. The notes are expected to be written by the victims. However, an issue is encountered when there are suicide notes that seem to be manipulated; thus, the notes are fake. This situation can be identified and analysed through the perspective of language, particularly from forensic linguistic point of view. Therefore, this study aims to identify linguistic features that show genuineness and fabrication. The data collected were Indonesian suicide notes found on the internet. Data collection was conducted through documentation method. The data were analysed through referential identity and content analysis from descriptive-qualitative approach. The theories applied were Olsson’s insider and outside language of suicide notes. The findings show that genuine and fabricated Indonesian suicide notes have different linguistic features. The genuine notes use insider language that demonstrates the language of the victims. The fabricated notes use outsider language that denotes the language of the general people who have typical view towards suicide.
Keywords :
forensic linguistics, genuine, insider language, outsider language, suicide noteReferences :
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