Abstract :
This research aims to develop Banana Royals business products through product diversification in order to increase consumer satisfaction. The method used in this research is the SCAMPER method, which will help in generating new ideas for product diversification. This research will also focus on understanding consumer needs and preferences to increase consumer satisfaction. Research and development employing a combination of approaches, including quantitative and qualitative methods, is the development research methodology employed in this study. Interviews and questionnaires will be used to obtain data involving 30 consumers who have used Banana Royals products, observations of existing products, as well as studies of related literature. The conclusions of analytical study are displayed as graphs and tables. The results of this research indicate that product diversification in the Banana Royals business has a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Data analysis shows that product diversification is able to attract consumer interest. In addition, the implementation of product diversification was followed by measuring consumer satisfaction which showed an increase in the level of consumer satisfaction after the new product was introduced.
Keywords :
Consumer Satisfaction, Product diversification, SCAMPER method.References :
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