Abstract :
This research aims to develop discovery-based learning modules on Natural Sciences and Social Sciences (IPAS) subjects in elementary schools. Research and development uses the Brog and Gall (2003) model which consists of 3 main steps of research and development. In product development, researchers use the ADDIE development model to develop prototypes of learning modules. This research was conducted in the central part of Lampung Province, precisely at SD Negeri 5 Lempuyangan Regency, Bandar Way Pengubuan. The sampling technique uses random sampling by assigning 2 classes as subjets, namely the experimental class and the control class consisting of 25 students in each class. The results of this study showed that the average score of the experimental class was 77.83 and the control class was 69.43. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the experimental class was superior to the control class and had a significance value obtained through the t-test before 0.000, which means that there is a significant average difference. The results are then continued on the effect size test to see the magnitude of the influence of the product used. The effect size test result is 0.83 with a very high interpretation. Based on the results of research conducted in class IV, it can be concluded that discovery-based learning modules are effective in improving students’ critical thinking skills.
Keywords :
Critical Thinking, discovery learning, Modules.References :
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