Abstract :
Objectives: This study sought to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults screened for the Nursing Diagnosis Insomnia (00095).
Methods: Secondary cross-sectional data analysis from a parent study on insomnia in older adults, using Bardin (2011) content analysis. Data from 77 older adults were collected from qualitative February to May 2021 in the pandemic period.
Results: Four thematic categories emerged: (1) Physical exercises; (2) Social impacts; (3) Physical and mental health; (4) Finances. The Physical and mental health category was most representative both in negative perceptions and in positive or neutral perceptions about the pandemic. The excess of bad news generates a negative perception. On the other hand, some older adults enjoyed benefits, such as improved sleep.
Discussion: The verbalized feelings are interconnected, and these spheres of life complement each other, interfering with each other. It is suggested to produce nursing strategies for older people and studies that address nursing interventions in pandemic periods.
Keywords :
Aged, COVID-19, Geriatric nursing, Nursing Diagnosis, Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders.References :
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