Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to describe, analyze, and interpret Islamic religious education learning practices that strengthen multiculturalism. This is done by looking at the rite of passage of pregnancy at Bangunjiwo DIY. Finally, this paper produced several answers. The practice of Islamic religious education learning that strengthens multiculturalism in the rite of passage of pregnancy, is held in two types of rites, namely great rites and little rites. The learning of Islamic religious education in the great rite takes place at the mitoni event. While in small rites occur at ngapati events. The learning practice is held intensively and gradually, starting from preparation, implementation, and closing. Its implementation involves various elements of society, including rite organizer, religious leaders, government figures, and community members regardless of background.
Keywords :
Great Rite, Learning Practices, Learning Stages, Little Rite, Rite of Passage of Pregnancy.References :
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