Abstract :
This research aims to determine the nutritional content of rations based on local feed mixed with liquid Moringa leaf extract and fermented Azadirachta indica as pig feed. The research materials used were Moringa leaves and Azadirachta indica which were extracted and liquid fermented as well as local rations. In this study, an experimental method was used with a completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment in this study was R0; ration without liquid fermented extract, R1; ration + 10% liquid fermented extract, R2; ration + 20% liquid fermented extract, R3; ration + 30% liquid fermented extract, R4; ration + 40% liquid fermented extract. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance. Based on the research results, the crude protein content (%) R0; 13.90±0.40, R1; 15.02±0.12, R2; 17.73±0.88, R3; 19.20±0.29, R4; 20.22±0.41, crude fiber content (%) R0; 7.10±0.18, R1; 6.90±0.27, R2; 6.85±0.39, R3; 7.08± 0.17, R4; 7.04±0.14, non nitrogen free extract content (%) R0; 48.69±1.88, R1; 49.42±0.48, R2; 47.54±0.79, R3; 46.14±0 .79, R4; 45.34±0.72, gross energy content (kcal), R0; 3524±45.55, R1; 3620±26.77, R2; 3698±19.24, R3; 3742±10.88, R4; 3770±31, 28. The results of statistical analysis showed that the treatment had a significant effect of P<0.05 on crude protein, non nitrogen free extract, energy content, but had no significant effect of P>0.05 on crude fiber content. The conclusion of this research is that the addition of fermented Moringa leaf extract and Azadirachta indica liquid to local pig rations has an effect on increasing protein and energy content with an average increase in protein content of 3.36% and energy of 107.73 kcal. for each increase, add 250 ml of liquid Moringa leaf extract and fermented Azadirachta indica to the local ration.
Keywords :
Azadirachta indica, Fermented, liquid, Moringa Leaf Extract., pig feed.References :
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