Abstract :
As a sector that regularly outgrows the world economy, the tourism industry faces the challenge of minimizing its negative impact on the environment. Tourist destinations that become tourist attractions in Bali are very diverse and interesting to visit. One of them is the temple. The most frequent temples that are visited by tourists are Lempuyang Dasar, Uluwatu, Besakih, and Tirta Empul temples. To maintain the sanctity and environment of the temple, it is necessary for tourists to behave pro-environmentally. In order to maintain the temple’s environment and its beauty, it is necessary for visitors to always behave green or pro-environmental behavior (PEB), this is intended so that tourists who uphold sustainable behavior and do so with an environmentally friendly message strategy PEB is a person’s behavior to minimize negative impacts on nature and is categorized as a tool for sustainable tourism management. The aims of this study are to (1) analyze pro-environmental behavior on religious tourism attractions; and (2) identify the effect of eliciting AWE, destination image, and tourist satisfaction on pro-environmental behavior of tourists on religious tourism attractiveness. This study uses a quantitative analysis approach that adopts Partial Least Square (PLS). The specific aim of the research is to analyze the pro-environmental behavior of tourists in increasing environmental sustainability in the attractiveness of religious tourism in Bali. The results show that AWE has a significant effect on PEB. CS has a significant effect on PEB. DI has a significant effect on PEB. CS has a higher influence than the AWE and DI variables directly on the PEB variable.
Keywords :
Destination image, Eliciting awe, pro-environmental behavior, Tourist satisfaction.References :
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