Abstract :
Hypertension is often found in elderly, it is a major factor causing stroke and heart disease. The number of people with hypertension continues to increase every year, it is estimated that by 2025 there will be 1.5 million people affected by hypertension in the world. The purpose of study was to determine the effect of slow deep breathing exercise on changes in blood pressure in the elderly in Public Health Center Air Tawar. This researchis a Quation Experiment with one group pre-post design. The research was conducted in Public Health Center Air Tawar, Padang from January to June 2022. The population were 80 erderly with hypertension,with a sample of 20 people obtained from the slovin formula. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test with Signed Rank Test. The type of data wasseondary obtained from the Air Tawar Public Health Center and Primary from questionnaires. The results showed that the average of systolic blood pressure before intervention was 149/100 mmHg. The average after the intervention decreased to 140/92mmHg. The effect of the slow deep breathing exercise was proven by the significant value of blood pressure before intervention and after intervention was 0.001. The conclusion shown, there was a significant influence of slow deep breathing exercise on changes in blood pressure of the elderly. The changes in blood pressure obtained were still in the category of hypertension, it is hoped that respondents willconsume low-salt diet, drug consumption and utilizing the services of health workers can make slow deep breathing exercise as one of the blood pressure control techniques.
Keywords :
Blood pressure, Elderly, hypertension, Public Health Center, Slow Deep Breathing Exercise.References :
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