Abstract :
A school learning management system (LMS) is extremely important in the current educational landscape since it transforms how educational institutions administer and deliver their courses. LMS gives educators a strong platform to produce, organize, and distribute instructional content while enabling students to access resources, participate in interactive learning activities, and collaborate with peers by seamlessly integrating technology into the learning process. This study was conducted to assess the level of utilization, level of satisfaction, and level of effectiveness with Quipper as an LMS in Saint Paul University Surigao (SPUS), Surigao City, Philippines. The research design was quantitative, and researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data from the college faculty of SPUS during the academic year 2022-2023. To ensure reliable results, 33 college teachers were purposefully and conveniently chosen as respondents. The data were analyzed using various parametric and non-parametric statistical tools considering the normality of the data. The study revealed that variables such as sex, age, department, highest educational attainment, and years of teaching experience did not significantly impact Quipper’s utilization and satisfaction among teachers. The profile of college faculty members also did not significantly affect Quipper’s effectiveness as a learning management system. However, the department variable significantly influenced Quipper’s performance, with frequent utilization leading to higher satisfaction and effectiveness. Overall, Quipper was widely used, effective, and met the needs of the college faculty at SPUS. The study suggested room for improvement, and the administration could establish clear implementation goals, offer incentives to consistent users, provide proper training and guidance, and encourage teachers to explore more features to better support students’ learning.
Keywords :
E-Learning, Effectiveness, Evaluation, Flexible Learning, Satisfaction., Utilization.References :
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