Abstract :
This study aims to determine the physical analysis of rosella flower, beetroot, and red fruit for sausage colorant based on pH, EC, TDS, and Color L*a*b*. The material used is rosella flower, beetroot, and red fruit which has been dissolved. The method used in this research is experimental laboratory using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The concentration used in red fruit and beetroot is 1% (P1), 3% (P2), 5% (P3), 7% (P4), 9% (P5) and ponceau red 0.1% (P1), 0.2% (P2), 0.3% (P3), 0.4% (P4), 0.5% (P5). Parameters observed were pH, EC, TDS, and Color. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If the data showed a significant difference, continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The average pH value is 6.73-7.14 on rosella flower, 5.34-5.67 on beetroot, 6.40-6.77 on red fruit; EC value is 2.23-3.13 on rosella flower, 2.40-3.03 on beetroot, 2.65-3.79 on red fruit; TDS value is 66.50-73.00 on rosella flower, 68.25-74.25 on beetroot, 61.50-65.75 on red fruit; Color L* 17.54-18.48; a* 5.26-6.01; b* 0.67-1.06 on rosella flower, L* 36.34-38.08; a* 12.55-15.51; b* 2.68-3.32 on beetroot, L* 18.35-20.17; a* 6.47-10.81; b* 1.71-2.64 on red fruit. The results showed that rosella flower, beetroot, and red fruit had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the pH, EC, TDS, and color. But the beetroot colorant is the closest to the commercial sausage color on brand x.
Keywords :
Beetroot, Colorant, Physical analysis., Red fruit, Rosella flowerReferences :
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