Abstract :
The physical and chemical characterization of the oil and almond from sacha inchi seed (Plukenetia volubilis), grown in the Guamuez Valley, Department of Putumayo, Colombia was conducted. The whole almond and free fats free from sacha inchi has a high content of oil, protein and essential amino acids, except lysine and tryptophan. The oil extracted from sacha inchi possesses a high degree of unsaturation, rich in essential fatty acids α-linolenic and linoleic, also contains -carotene and vitamin E. Additionally, the physical properties of density, refractive index, viscosity, iodine index and saponification of sacha inchi oil were measured.
Keywords :
amino acid profile, cancer chemopreventive agents, chemical composition, fatty acids profile, Inca peanut, plukenetia volubilis Linneo, Sacha inchi, α-linolenicReferences :
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