Abstract :
Wedang Sirih Rempah, is a herbal beverage prepared from herbal spices produced by one herbal beverages company in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to identify internal and external elements as well as alternative and priority strategies for marketing the new product Wedang Sirih Rempah. This study used descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches and was conducted from January to June 2023. CV Mamigus Restu Bagus was used as the company case study. Purposive sampling was employed to identify study locations, and purposive sampling was also utilized to pick respondents. Primary data and secondary data were utilized as supporting data. The data collected through observation and direct interviews with the company’s key informants were then described using a qualitative descriptive method. While the data acquired through surveys with key informants and supporting informants were examined quantitatively using SWOT analysis and QSPM. The findings of the interviews and observations yielded the factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The findings of data analysis suggested that the priority strategy in marketing Wedang Sirih Rempah was to perform and increase offline and online promotions through social media and marketplaces, with the maximum TAS score of 6.54. That was, this strategy then be proposed to the corporation for use in the marketing of Wedang Sirih Rempah in order to increase the market share of the company.
Keywords :
Marketing Strategy, QSPM, SWOT, Wedang Sirih Rempah.References :
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