Abstract :
This research analyzes the competition between the Argo Parahyangan train and the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (HST) on the Jakarta-Bandung route. The objective is to make an informed decision about the continuation of the Argo Parahyangan train, considering passenger preferences. Factors such as accessibility, comfort, travel cost, safety, and travel time influence passengers’ mode of transport choice. The study identifies travel cost and time as primary considerations for passengers. Proposed strategies include optimizing schedules, enhancing customer experience, promoting scenic views, utilizing social media, offering promotions, and forming partnerships. Implementing these strategies would enhance the market competitiveness of the Argo Parahyangan train, operated by the Indonesian Railway Service Company, in response to the Jakarta-Bandung HST operations.
Keywords :
Business Strategy, Customer segmentation, Indonesian Railway Services, Market CompetitivenessReferences :
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