Abstract :
This paper aims to analyze and describe the role of the government in seeking the development of green industrial park in North Kalimantan. This paper uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. primary and secondary data sources are obtained through literature study, observation, and interviews. Based on the results of the research, it can be said that the government has carried out its duties quite effectively, both in the preparation and implementation stages of development, as evidenced by the development of the industrial area which has developed quite rapidly. Nevertheless, the development of green industrial estates in North Kalimantan still has several problems and obstacles that need to be resolved, especially related to land expansion plans, and supporting infrastructure for industrial estates. In conclusion, the development of green industrial estates in North Kalimantan is the largest green industrial estate development project in the world that will have a major impact on the Indonesian economic sector, but the development of these green industrial estates still needs special attention from the government to deal with several unresolved issues.
Keywords :
Development, government’s role, green industrial parkReferences :
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