Abstract :
Digital banks have emerged as a new phenomenon in Indonesia’s financial services ecosystem. Because it uses technology and provides efficient services, the emergence of the digital bank is expected to be a game changer. In 2021, PT Bank Sukses Bersama, Tbk launched the life-centered Sukses Application, which simplifies, collaborates, and innovates financial management. Bank Sukses Bersama’s transformation from a conventional bank to a digital bank aims to increase its business growth and efficiency. However, since its launch, Bank Sukses Bersama has not attained a cost-to-revenue ratio which would be optimal in comparison to its competitors. The research objectives for this study are to evaluate Bank Sukses Bersama’s market segmentation and find opportunities to increase users by reaching more potential markets through new segmenting, targeting, and positioning, as well as to propose a marketing communication strategy for Bank Sukses Bersama in order to increase customer acquisition to maximize the income and improves Bank Sukses Bersama’s performance. This research utilized both primary and secondary sources of data The primary data was collected through questionnaires targeted for 150 respondents of bank customers in Indonesia. The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain responses from bank customers in Indonesia regarding digital banks in Indonesia, including their perceptions of Bank Sukses Bersama. This research assessed internal and external analysis of Bank Sukses Bersama in digital banking industry. The suggested Bank Sukses Bersama marketing communication strategy proposes an approach for emphasizing the brand’s value proposition, engaging customers through storytelling and personalization, and utilizing digital platforms and collaborations to increase customer acquisition and retention. This strategy intends to position Bank Sukses Bersama as an innovative and trustworthy digital banking solution in Indonesia through integration with the target population and the bank’s fundamental values. The scope of this study is mainly focus on Bank Sukses Bersama as a digital bank. The company’s identity has been concealed for publicity and reasons related to confidentiality.
Keywords :
5As, Customer Acquisition, Digital Bank, Digital Banking, Marketing communication, Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategy, STPReferences :
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