Abstract :
The fast-changing of technology and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of aspects in the world, one of them is in the field of HRM. Thus, some adjustments are needed to be done by the companies so they can keep up with the industrial trend and demand. Vokraf is one of the educational startups in Indonesia established in 2019 and their products are selling online digital classes. Based on the interview result with the Vokraf’s HR department, there was a great resignation phenomenon happening from 2022 until mid-2023. In 2022 the employee resignation was 24 from 61 employees while per mid-2023, the employee resignation was 18 from 50 employees. This employee resignation somehow has impacted the company’s performance and should be overcome immediately. The author uses some factors that affecting the turnover intention from the previous research to identify what factors that triggering the employee turnover intention at Vokraf. The secondary data and primary data are being used to help the author in mapping and finding out those factors. Secondary data is sourced from 12 exit interview data while primary data is sourced from semi-structured interview with 9 Vokraf’s key informants. The key informants are chosen by using purposive sampling with snowball sampling technique. All the collected data are being analysed using the Interactive Model Analysis by Miles and Huberman (2014). The employee retention strategy will be proposed as the final step and the recommendation to the company to overcome this issue. There are five factors found that affecting the employee turnover intention at Vokraf, they are about career path, job stress, employee compensation, leader-member exchange, and supportive work environment issues. The author makes the employee retention strategy in the form of implementation plan & implication timeline starts from June 2023 – June 2024.
Keywords :
Educational Startup, Employee Retention, Employee Turnover, Employer Branding, Retention Strategy.References :
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