Abstract :
The demand for fuel in Indonesia is currently on the rise due to population growth. Among the fuels experiencing increased demand is CNG (compressed natural gas), which is derived from natural gas. This surge in demand has led to intense competition within the CNG market. PT Migas Hilir Jabar is facing challenges in competing in this market, primarily due to higher product prices compared to competitors and limitations in terms of human and financial resources. At present, PT Migas Hilir Jabar has only one customer, Grand Hotel Preanger. Consequently, it is crucial for the company to analyze the reasons behind potential customers not choosing them as their CNG supplier. The research conducted employs a descriptive qualitative method and involves interviews utilizing the AIDA model. The selection of companies for this study aligns with the target market of PT Migas Hilir Jabar. The gathered data is subjected to various analytical techniques, including 4P marketing analysis, competitor analysis, consumer analysis, PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, and TOWS analysis. The research findings underscore the necessity for the company to enhance sales efficiency. Collaborating with strategic partners who can optimize the operationalization of CNG business, ensure the availability of supplies according to customer demand, and build brand awareness for increased recognition.
Keywords :
Marketing Strategy, Purchase Intention., SWOT analysis, TOWS AnalysisReferences :
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