Abstract :
The aim of the paper is to study the factors affecting the decision to savings deposit of individual customers at Vietinbank, Ba Ria – Vung Tau (BR-VT). Based on the basic previous theories and studies, the research model of the paper is developed with six influencing factors including employee image, bank brand, interest rate policy, transaction time, client policy and safety. The study used qualitative research combined with quantitative research methods. The survey sample are 239 individual customers who are currently saving at Vietinbank BR-VT. Quantitative research results show that 6/6 factors affecting ranked from the strongest to the lowest: bank brand, safety, employee image, customer policy, interest rate policy and finally transaction time. The paper has provided some managerial implications to promote customers to save money at Vietinbank in general and Vietinbank at BR-VT in particular.
Keywords :
individual customers, savings deposit decision, VietinbankReferences :
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