Abstract :
This study aims to: 1) determine the characteristics of discovery learning- based modules with HP QR scanner media to improve students’ problem-solving skills; 2) find out the feasibility of discovery learning-based modules with HP QR scanner media to improve students’ problem-solving skills; 3) knowing the effectiveness of discovery learning-based modules with HP QR scanner media to improve students’ problem-solving skills. This science learning tool development research uses the ADDIE procedure which consists of five stages, namely: 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) develop, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. The data analysis research instruments used were Aiken’s descriptive analysis and validity (score 0.87 with high validity category) for preliminary and feasibility studies and inferential analysis using independent t-test (score 0.000) to determine the effectiveness of development products on students’ problem-solving abilities. The study was conducted at SMA Batik 1 Surakarta with a sample of 32 grade X students. The conclusions of this study are: 1) the discovery learning-based module with HP QR scanner media developed has five main characteristics, namely: a) improving problem solving skills; b) concrete problem-based; c) student centered; d) discovery learning; and e) focusing on essential materials; 2) the discovery learning-based module with the developed HP QR scanner media was declared eligible (valid) for use in SMA/MA based on limited trial results and a validity score of 0.945 with a high validity category; 3) discovery learning-based modules with HP QR scanner media developed effectively improve students’ problem- solving abilities, with an experimental class n-gain score of 0.504 (upper medium) and control class 0.360 (lower medium).
Keywords :
biology learning modules, discovery learning, ecosystems, problem-solving skills.References :
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