Abstract :
This study aims to develop ethnomathematics-based E-Book teaching materials to train students’ numeracy skills and to determine student learning activities when using E-Book teaching materials. This research is a type of Research and Development (R&D) research. The development model used in this study is the ASSURE development model. This research will later develop valid, practical and effective ethnomathematics-based E-Book teaching materials as well as analyze student learning activities. Data collection instruments in this study used validation sheets, questionnaires, tests and observation sheets. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of validity, practicality, effectiveness and analysis of student learning activities. The results showed that the validity of the media and material validity of E-Book teaching materials based on ethnomathematics obtained results of 93.7% and 89.2% with the “Very Valid” criteria. The practicality of ethnomathematics-based E-Book teaching materials obtained results of 94.2% from teacher responses and 82% from student responses so that ethnomathematics-based E-Book teaching materials can be said to be “Very Practical”. Furthermore, the effectiveness of E-Book teaching materials based on ethnomathematics obtained an average N-Gain result of 42.50% with the “Medium” effectiveness criterion. Meanwhile for the results of student learning activities, the results obtained in the experimental group were greater than in the control group, namely 87% with the criteria of “Very Active”.
Keywords :
E-Book, Elementary school, Ethnomathematics, NumeracyReferences :
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