Abstract :
This thesis investigates the development of a food traceability system for the shrimp export industry at PT. Udang Maju Sejahtera (UMS). The primary objective was to enhance the transparency and accountability of the shrimp supply chain, thereby improving product quality and consumer trust.
The study employed a three-pronged approach: formulating a robust business strategy, innovating product development, and restructuring the organization into a cross-functional team. The business strategy focused on aligning the company’s operations with the emerging demands for food traceability in the export market. The product development innovation involved the creation of a traceability system that leverages advanced technology to track and record the journey of shrimp from farm to consumer.
The restructuring into a cross-functional team aimed to streamline the decision-making process and accelerate the development cycle. The results indicated that while PT. UMS’s strategy aligns with the industry’s direction towards increased traceability, the development process was time-consuming and required organizational restructuring.
The study concludes that the integration of a cross-functional team within PT. UMS could expedite the development and implementation of the traceability system, thereby enhancing the company’s competitiveness in the shrimp export industry. Recommendations for PT. UMS include enhancing innovation management, investing in advanced technology, collaborating with external partners, and adopting a culture of continuous improvement. Future research should explore the long-term impacts of these recommendations on the company’s performance and the traceability system’s effectiveness.
Keywords :
Export, food sustainability, food traceability, Product Development., Shrimp, traceabilityReferences :
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