Abstract :
Green vegetables are one type of food that is very commonly consumed by the community to fulfill nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and iron. The nutrients contained in green vegetables are needed to increase endurance and facilitate the body’s metabolic processes, so it is very related to public health. Vegetable products consumed must be ensured in a safe and hygienic condition, in this case requiring a good and correct cultivation process as stated in the recommendations of a sustainable agricultural system. The objectives in this study were to determine the level of consumer interest in green vegetable products, determine the level of application of sustainable agriculture in green vegetable cultivation and analyze the effect of the level of consumer interest on the level of application of sustainable agricultural systems in green vegetable cultivation. The research was conducted in August 2022 in Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency on green vegetable farmers with 76 respondents. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with Parcial Least Square (PLS) statistical analysis assisted through SmartPLS software version 3.0. The results showed that the level of consumer interest in green vegetable products is in the low category, which means that vegetable products are no longer in great demand by the community, while the level of implementation of a sustainable agricultural system is in the high category, meaning that respondents have been able to implement good cultivation recommendations even though they are not maximized. The results of the analysis show that the level of consumer interest has a significant positive influence on the level of application of sustainable agricultural systems in vegetable cultivation, meaning that the better the level of consumer interest, the higher the application of sustainable green vegetable farming systems.
Keywords :
consumer interest, green cultivation, sustainable agricultureReferences :
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