Author Instructions
Authors are invited to submit papers for publication using “ONLINE SUBMISSION” section in our website or through email Submissions are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another publication. Instructions on how to use the online submission tool are available at the home page. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are accepted on the basis of following criteria.
Format & Style
To expedite the review process, please format the manuscript in ways as follow:
Article type:
One Column
Manuscript organization:
All manuscripts are expected to be prepared as a single PDF or MS Word document with the complete text, references, tables and figures included. Any revised manuscripts prepared for publication should be sent as a single editable Word document. LaTex paper is also acceptable for publication, but it should be in PDF for review first. Manuscripts should be written in English. Title, author(s), and affiliations should all be included on a title page as the first page of the manuscript file, followed by a 100-300 word abstract and 3-5 keywords. The order they follow is: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction.
Figure and table requirement:
All figures or photographs must be submitted as jpg or tif files with distinct characters and symbols at 500 dpi (dots per inch). Test your figures by printing them from a personal computer. The online version should look relatively similar to the personal-printer copy. Tables and equations should be in an editable rather than image version. Tables must be edited with Word/Excel. Equations must be edited with Equation Editor. Figures, tables and equations should be numbered and cited as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc. in sequence.
How to count page numbers:
Before submission or after acceptance, type your manuscript single spaced, and make all the characters in the text, tables, figure legends, footnotes and references in a single typeface and point size as 10 pt Times New Roman.
References format:
All references should be numbered in the text and listed in the REFERENCES section in the order they appear in the text. Below are some examples:
Journal Articles:
1. Hebeish, A. and El-Rafie, M. H. American Dyestuff Reporter, 79(7), 1990, pp. 34.
2. Maganioti, A.E., Chrissanthi, H.D., Charalabos, P.C., Andreas, R.D., George, P.N. and Christos, C.N. Cointegration of Event-Related Potential (ERP) Signals in Experiments with Different Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Conditions. Health, 2, 2010, pp. 400-406.
3. Bootorabi, F., Haapasalo, J., Smith, E., Haapasalo, H. and Parkkila, S. Carbonic Anhydrase VII—A Potential Prognostic Marker in Gliomas. Health, 3, 2011, pp. 6-12.